New dates will be added once next semesters syllabus is released.
Exam 1 Group Test Prep
Session has passed, but you can still get video solutions for the exam here.
Exam 2 Group Test Prep
Session has passed, but you can still get video solutions for the exam here.
Exam 3 Group Test Prep
Session has passed, but you can still get video solutions for the exam here.
Final Exam Group Test Prep
Session has passed, but you can still get video solutions for the exam here.
Save 20% Register for ALL 4 Sessions Now!
You know you are going to want them.
Rates: $50/session
Each Math 141 Test Prep session lasts approximately 2 hours. During that time I will review with the group one of the sample exams from a previous semester. We will cover the entire sample exam and answer any and all of your questions.
Do to the popularity of these sessions, I now hold the group tutoring sessions online as there is not a room in the Morgan Library that is large enough to fit everyone.
SPACE is LIMITED so sign up now!
I will be holding the tutoring session in an online classroom using a program called Adobe Connect. I will review every question on the exam one at a time. I will show you the exact problem we are working on, write my solutions using an online whiteboard, show you how to use a TI-84/83 calculator to solve many of the problems, answer any questions you might have, and send you a PDF of all my work at the end of the session.
To sign up for the group tutoring sessions, please click the Register Now link above for which ever course you would like to join.
If you have any questions about the group session please Contact Me.